Dear People of the World (formerly Dear Americans)

Tag > paris hilton

06 January 2008

Short Novel: 4 American Hostages, Introduction

After The Flight to Tokyo , I am presenting an interesting and shocking story to you, Americans. The story is fiction but based on what is really happening in America now. The facts came from two books written by 2 Japanese women. One is Ms. Yumi Kobayashi's and the other is Ms. Mika Tsutsumi's . Please read the related posts. The story took place in Baghdad, Iraq. 4 Americans were captive by Iraqi insurgents somewhere in Baghdad. Each of them represents American society. One of them was Loretta, 24. She was from the very rich family, Boltons. Going back for 4 generations...

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10 June 2007

Paris Hilton and other Americans

I just know the news Paris Hilton was ordered to return to the jail. She was once released after her 3 days of imprisonment because of her medical condition. There was enormous criticism that she could have been released because of her fame and family's wealth. This incident and Paris Hilton herself represent what is going on in America. In Japan, a book "Cho-kakusa-shakai America no...

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