20 January 2009
Change from White to Black
Well, that is not about new presidency in the U.S.
I bought a black muffler today instead of white one I lost a few days ago after I left a restaurant.
That was expensive cashmere muffler but white one was not good anyway because the threads are attached to my black coat.
That is why I bought a black muffler as replacement. The below is the photo I took at the shop.
The left is white one, the same kind I bought a few weeks ago and the other one on right is one I just bought today.

The price was discounted so I could buy one third cheaper than white one. The brand of the mufflers is Pierre Cardin.
Speaking of new presidency in the U.S. I would predict 3 directions the country is heading from now.
1. Being Great Britain: losing hegemonic power and becoming one of advanced countries in the world.
2. Being Central-South American: Increasing the gap between haves and have nots. More impoverished people with deepening financial crisis.
3. Being Armish: Relying more on local governance and churches. These social capitals had to replace federal or state governments which face enormous budget shortages. Churches traditionally have strong influence in the societies. People rely on more on such religious organizations that means the societies would be more conservatives than ever, meaning liberal movements such as gay marriage would be supressed. People respect solidarity within small communities rather than forcing their own values on other parts of the world.
Maybe America would go like the Old Right way, isolationist. The country would give up much of military might because of budget crisis as Mr. Obama claims that the U.S. would withdraw troops from Iraq as soon as he step in White House.
Wow, the world would be safer!
22:31 Posted in Politics, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: fashion