16 October 2008
Senator McCain said,
"Look, we've sailed Navy ships around the world for 60 years with nuclear power plants on them. We can store and reprocess spent nuclear fuel, Senator Obama, no problem." concerning energey crisis on last presidential debate.
Yes, he is right. There are 10 nuclear aircraft carriers that belong to the U.S. Navy. One of them is CVN 73, George Washington, which was deployed in Yokosuka city, 20 miles from Japan's capital Tokyo. We don't like it. The ship should go back to its homeland, not the country whose people don't like it much. I hate it. It is dangerous and making me nervous. If it breaks, estimated 1.6 million people would die by leaked radiation.
It should be used for the generation of cities, rather than military purpose. The nuclear powered ship on the sea is very, very dangerous. It costs much more than conventional ship. The reactors should be transformed to fit the plants on the ground.
Although I do not support nuclear power as substitute for oil, it is much better to be used for generation for inland cities .
McCain said "reprocess spent nuclear fuel." That is not practical any more. A lot of countries failed. It costs so much money and pollute the land around the reprocessing factories. However, unspent nuclear fuel inside the ships should be used by stopping the navigation and dismantling the ships. It is time to do that. Use the energey for the daily life not for the military. Let the troops back on the shores.
The U.S. is now in historical financial crisis, they have to reduce military spending dramatically. They cannot afford stationing their troops abroad. Foreign nations including my country are not generous lending their lands for the U.S. military any more.
Whether Obama or McCain becomes president of the U.S., what they have to do is rethink their military policy which has been failing.
No more nuclear ships! Let's make the world safe by abondaning such dangerous ships!

20:25 Posted in Ecology, Politics, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: navy, military, nuclear aircraft carrier, nuclear power, election