29 March 2009
Enjoyed Bauhaus Arts
I went to the exhibition of Bauhaus art in Utsunomiya Museum of Art in Utsunomiya city, 1 and half hour train ride from Tokyo.

That was very amazing exhibition. I've learned so much about Bauhaus stuff buying books on Bauhaus history, arts, and architecture.
Bauhaus was established in 1919 in Weimar, Germany and was later relocated to Dessau and finally relocated in Berlin.
But in 1933, after Nazis took over authorities of the government, Bauhaus ended just as Weimar Republic did.
It was a symbol of modernism. The cocept was unification of art and technology. Respecting functionalism but being artistic.
There exhibited famous pipe and leather chair called "Wassily chair," which was designed to sit on comfortably. Desks, beds, lamps and other interior.

Beautiful drawings, which should have been very innovative in those days.
The reason why I am so interested in it is I am writing a short novel using history of this art school.
The title is "Bauhausler." A Japanese woman who came to Berlin to study modern art at Bauhaus school experienced turmoil between this innovative art and growing Nazism.
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