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10 August 2010

Very Constitutional

Found and captured great scene in Henoko beach, where US marines are destroying the natural environment to harm local people.

This represents current situation of US-Japan relationship.  

The text in Japanese flag is "We hope that the Japan-US alliance will continue to be consolidated and developed."
It was written by very generous Japanese citizen.
I would like to add the below words after that.
"Only if you can respect our sovereignty and natural environment. Otherwise, go back to where you belong."

02 August 2010

Japan signed, but the U.S., Russia, China did not!

Who contributes to the world peace?


00:13 Posted in Politics, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: war, military

22 July 2010

German film"Triumph des Willens" Art of Propaganda

Nazis' propaganda film directed by female director, Leni Riefenstahl. It means "Triumph of the will."

The footage was recording of Nazi's party convention in September 1934. I bought a book on Hilter, that came with DVD of the old film.

It was in fact, fascinating and well-done. The film contains modern technique of propaganda.

Not just focusing on Hitler and his subordinates but young party members who attended the convention.

It looked like all the people in the convention were unified under the same spirit.

Of course, I should never say it was a great movie. Nazis were wrong.

However when it was first released in public, no one would never predict hollocaust would happen by them.


The important thing is how we defend ourselves from such brainwashing.

We have to watch out not to happen again.

The below is me at Auschwitz 2 years ago. The other one is chimney pipe of the 1st gas chamber.


20:36 Posted in Deutschland, Film, Media | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: history, nazis

11 July 2010

Film"Miracle at St. Anna" Italy's position in WWII

Directed by Spike Lee. A story of Black soldiers fighting against Nazis in Italy during WW II.

Although the film wasn't well-edited but I could learn so much about WW II history in Europe, especially Italy's position in the war.

I also could learn how Black soldiers are treated in the war. They were never treated equally. Their white superior never trusted his Black comrades. Back home, they were not allowed to dine in the restaurant while enemy German POW were. They were actually treated better in the enemy line, Italy than in their home country.

Their motive of joining the war was not patriotism. They did it to better their people's social status in their home country.

The story portrays the war between Nazis and partisans in Italy. Italians were loyal to Mussolini's Fascist party which was allied with German Nazis but at the same time there was resistant movement like Partisans.

The reason that I get interested in this film is because I recently learned Italy shares the similar issue with our country in relation to the U.S. military base presence. Both of Italy and Japan are defeated nations in the war. In the city of Vicenza, Italy there is expansion plan of the U.S. military base which localies oppose just like Okinawa island in Japan. If you want to know the detail of what is happening in Okinawa, please read these articles.

The below is trailer of recently release documentary film "Standing army." Description of the article is here.


Standing Army documentary (2010) english trailer from enricox7 on Vimeo.