26 October 2008
Powell was something different
Mr. Colin Powell endorsed Mr. Barak Obama for the president of the United States of America.
Well, after all, he was good man although he joined President Bush's team.
He grew up from poverty and is Black, that is common with Obama. That means he and Obama knows the pain and reality of the world.
White conservatives like Bush don't know the reality and they are basically fundamentalists, very idiot and break out unnecessary wars for the fake causes.
Powell is not only good man but also very shrewed realist. He is a military man but do things just necessary for the interest of his country.
There should have been things he, himself disagreed but got along with because those things were necessary to implement to make things better. He agreed to bomb Afghan but tried to convince Bush not invading Iraq.
I believe Obama's policy should be similar to Powell's.
Powell sometimes made very warm-hearted comments to the weak people because he did experience that position.
In 2004, 3 Japanese citizens were kidnapped in Iraq and held captive for 8 days. After they were released, they've been criticized for what they have done, which was trying to rescue abondoned children and find out truth. Japanese society did not get along with their objective and continued bashing them as to how selfish their act was because they ignored the government's warning of not going to Iraq. Read this post if you want to know more about this incident.
Powell said "Japanese citizens should be proud of them who were trying to do good things." That helped stop bashing them.
This time Powell endorsed Obama, at the same time he made very interesting comment to the U.S. citizens.
"Republicans say Obama is Muslim. It is not true, he is Christian but even if he is Muslim, what is wrong with it? Can't Muslim child dream of being a President of the U.S.? In Arlington cemetry, there is a grave for Muslim soldier who fought in Iraq."
Well, we want to have a leader who knows the pain of others. "Warm but Cool" is what politicians should be.
17:48 Posted in Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: election, afro-american
20 October 2008
British Style Garden in Tokyo
I went to Former Furukawa House & Garden Park in Tokyo. The house and garden used to be owned by one rich family named Furukawa, who established very big conglamour. The house was designed by British architect Josiah Conder. It was built in 1917.
Now it is owned by the Tokyo metropolitan government. It is beautiful, especially the time like this with beautiful roses blossoming in the garden.
See the photos of the below.
I'll post some more photos of the garden on album section.
The Poem reading and guitar playing show was held in the garden. The below photo is a woman reading a Shakespear's poem.
You can also enjoy the You Tube clip of the visit.
Enjoy the acoustic guitar playing at last part. It was very nice.
00:04 Posted in Britain, Culture, Music, Poem, Tokyo Life | Permalink | Comments (0)
16 October 2008
Senator McCain said,
"Look, we've sailed Navy ships around the world for 60 years with nuclear power plants on them. We can store and reprocess spent nuclear fuel, Senator Obama, no problem." concerning energey crisis on last presidential debate.
Yes, he is right. There are 10 nuclear aircraft carriers that belong to the U.S. Navy. One of them is CVN 73, George Washington, which was deployed in Yokosuka city, 20 miles from Japan's capital Tokyo. We don't like it. The ship should go back to its homeland, not the country whose people don't like it much. I hate it. It is dangerous and making me nervous. If it breaks, estimated 1.6 million people would die by leaked radiation.
It should be used for the generation of cities, rather than military purpose. The nuclear powered ship on the sea is very, very dangerous. It costs much more than conventional ship. The reactors should be transformed to fit the plants on the ground.
Although I do not support nuclear power as substitute for oil, it is much better to be used for generation for inland cities .
McCain said "reprocess spent nuclear fuel." That is not practical any more. A lot of countries failed. It costs so much money and pollute the land around the reprocessing factories. However, unspent nuclear fuel inside the ships should be used by stopping the navigation and dismantling the ships. It is time to do that. Use the energey for the daily life not for the military. Let the troops back on the shores.
The U.S. is now in historical financial crisis, they have to reduce military spending dramatically. They cannot afford stationing their troops abroad. Foreign nations including my country are not generous lending their lands for the U.S. military any more.
Whether Obama or McCain becomes president of the U.S., what they have to do is rethink their military policy which has been failing.
No more nuclear ships! Let's make the world safe by abondaning such dangerous ships!

20:25 Posted in Ecology, Politics, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: navy, military, nuclear aircraft carrier, nuclear power, election
12 October 2008
Assassination of Neo-Nazi leader?
It is like movie "NIKITA."
Austrian Far Right Party leader Haider was killed by car accident. He drove the government's car.
Sounds odd, why such an important guy drives a car himself. He should have been in back seat of the car with his body guards and professional chauffer who drives the car.
Smells like conspiracy by some government. They thought this man is too dangerous for their country, or region.
Remember when Hitler emerged, no one could predict holocaust. Some feared but no one thought he could have done that far.
History repeats itself so someone had to fix it.
But the thing is even if you eliminate symbol of the problem. The cause of problem is not Haider. It is his supporters and the reason for the support.
Austria is a country where Adolf Hitler was born and raised.
Let's pay attention to it, indifference is the biggest cause of intolerance.
16:00 Posted in Deutschland, Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: history, nazis