05 March 2005
Since 911, America is changed!

The above picture was taken on the top of WTC, July 1993.
I remember it was after car bomb in the parking floor of the building. So the guide described why the security got so tighten. But I never expected 911 tragedy would happen at the place I was in. I really want to express my condolence for the victims of 911. I might have been there, too.
However, I cannot understand why America went so mad since that day.
I understand it is so difficult for you to face the reality of the world and review why such tragedy happened, why your country became a target for the terrorists.
I, as one Japanese citizen do not think bombing afghanistan, and Iraq would help diminish the terrorism. Even if you capture Binladen, number of the terrorists wouldn't decrease.
Isn't America the country that respects diversity of the culture?
Isn't America so sophisticated society that can see thing objectively, rather than emotionally or subjectively?
That is why some of the Americans can feel sorry for the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and criticize what your country has done to our country although you are the winner of the war and we are the former enemy.
I am hoping America would be as it should be. I want to believe FOX news channel doesn't represent the voice of America.
11:20 Posted in Politics | Permalink | Comments (1) | Tags: 911, war, World Trade Center, terror