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08 November 2010

Dear Japanese American People

I just recently watched TV mini-series drama about Japanese Americans who immigrated to the U.S. in early 20th century. The title of the series is "99nen no ai (99 years of Love), Japanese Americans."

I watched last 2 episodes of 5. It was a story of young Japanese Americans who joined 442nd regimental Combat Team that rescued Texas Batallion in Germany. When they went for the battle with Germans, they shouted like "Go by Yamato-Damashii (Japanese Spirit)." Seemed "Go for Broke" is rooted from Kamikaze spirit. Is it really true?

I think not, because they were Japanese Americans who got the U.S. citizenship after they were born and raised in the U.S.

This in fact, typical portrayal of Japanese Americans by Japanese nationals, which in fact upset a lot of Japanese Americans, isn't it?

Japanese Americans are Americans, especially from the 2nd generation. But Japanese nationals tend to treat them like extention of Japanse nationals living in Japan.

I am concerned that the mini-series strengthened wrong portrayal of Japanese Americans.

The scenes of 442nd unit battle with German and their parade on Washington street was impressive. Cannot believe such people really existed in history.

But sorry, the drama was produced from Japanese national's point of view. I know they fought for their families in the internment camp, and for their homelnad, the U.S. not for Japan, which was one of the enemy states at that time.

Recently new documentary film on 442 was released, maybe this is what you can really learn about them. I would like to see it if I can get a chance.

Movie 442

There has been rumor that Japanese actor Ken Watanabe is directing a Hollywood film of this 442.

I can't wait to see it if the rumor is real.

Although I know Japanese Americans are not Japanese nationals, let me say that as Japanese national. 

"I am proud of sharing the same ancestry with such brave people."  

To Mr./Ms. Sansei or J/A,

I apologize to you if my comments on this blog offended you. I have no intention of harming American people by that. I respect your opinion although we have difference. Anyway, I am truly glad descend of 442nd unit soldiers left some comment on this post. I know my ideas are very emotional and simple-minded. It is because I am being honest when it comes to writing on this blog.  I agree with your opinion that Japanese are too softies and don't know the value of freedom and justice. That is something we still have to learn from you, maybe. Please remember Japanese generally appreciate the U.S. help to reconstruct post-war Japan. I agree with that Japan made a big mistake in early 20th century and the U.S. fought against fascism, and won over it. Current U.S. military presence in Japan is another issue. No relationship with your father.  

22 July 2010

German film"Triumph des Willens" Art of Propaganda

Nazis' propaganda film directed by female director, Leni Riefenstahl. It means "Triumph of the will."

The footage was recording of Nazi's party convention in September 1934. I bought a book on Hilter, that came with DVD of the old film.

It was in fact, fascinating and well-done. The film contains modern technique of propaganda.

Not just focusing on Hitler and his subordinates but young party members who attended the convention.

It looked like all the people in the convention were unified under the same spirit.

Of course, I should never say it was a great movie. Nazis were wrong.

However when it was first released in public, no one would never predict hollocaust would happen by them.


The important thing is how we defend ourselves from such brainwashing.

We have to watch out not to happen again.

The below is me at Auschwitz 2 years ago. The other one is chimney pipe of the 1st gas chamber.


20:36 Posted in Deutschland, Film, Media | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: history, nazis

14 February 2010

TOYOTA deserves Recalls and Bashing!

Toyota is Japan's biggest corporation, not only that, it is the world's largest auto company.

But I do not like Toyota, not because recent recall scandals but its arrogance as giant corporation.

The scandal spread from the U.S. to Japan.


A few years ago, Mr. Okuda, a former president and counselor of Toyota made a very arrogant comment in relation to media's bashing of Ministry of Health and Labor. Because Mr. Okuda had a friend in the ministry, he said "Current media's bashing of the ministry is too much, I think we should withdraw sponsorship from them."

What a pity is no media tried not to respond to his comment. Good media should have responded like "Oh, good, then we can reveal anything about Toyota's problem such as heavy overwork on engineers that resulted in death, exploiting dispatched workers for cheaper cost that resulted in masscre in Akihabara shopping district committed by a Toyota factory worker, making public streets warehouse for "Just In Time" policy and etc.

There are too many hidden facts never reported by media because of too strong sponsorhip.


Since his comment, I decided not to buy Toyota cars regardless its quality and brand status. Now such brand status and quality is deteriorated by recent scandals.

For the U.S. auto makers, it is a great opportunity to take over Toyota's share that has been taken. Great time for the revenge?

Well, GM bankrupt itself, not by Toyota.

In my opinion, it is time Toyota and other Japanese auto makers stay away from U.S. market.

The U.S. market is huge but by the world's key currency, US dollar. They do not produce goods by themselves but by Chinese printing US dollar bills to give them.

The world has been supporting the U.S. because it has been thought the largest and most powerful, attractive market in the world.

Kind of weird situation, isn't it.

I think it still is, but you never know the future of it.

The bottom line is safest market is at home. We do not have to seek cheap and high quality goods any more but safe domestic goods.

12 August 2009

Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" is sexist, racist, and totalitarian!

Walt Disney has been known as Hollywood's most racist and sexist person in history. His movies reflect his views.

"Sleeping Beauty" was one of the good examples. It reflects public opinion at that time. The film was released in 1959.

The princess named Aurora was cursed by a witch. The curse was that she would die at the age of 16. One of kind fairlies tried to get rid of the curse. But what she could do was to make it rather gentler one, which was fall into deep sleep until she be kissed by a man she loved.

3 things matter in the story.


1. A woman should be waiting for a man whom she has to depend on.

Girls are made to believe that. They are not expected to be independent. They are brainwashed to believe that they cannot live without reliable men's supports. How pity!


2. Bad guys are all Black.

Black witch took on the princess and prince. Her subordinates are crows. In the old days, crows are discriminately term for Afro-Americans. Disney would be surprised to know President Obama.


3. Your private life would be sacrificed for the statehood.

Like marriage between Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip who was her neighboring country's prince. Although they met in a forest accidently without knowing who they really were, they fell in love as though they had already met "Once upon a dream." That implies that people should think it is honorable to sacrifice your life to serve your country. Think that is your destiny.


Wow, interesting analysis! I don't like Disney film because they always contain such brainwashing methodology.

Disney films are great teaching materials for media literacy. DON'T BE BRAINWASHED, GOOD AND SMART PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!!


Remember Disneys and Nazis are lookalike. I want Tokyo Disneyland removed from our land as well as US military bases.