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13 January 2010

Film"W." He was a nice spoiled man!

A story about former President of the United States, George W. Bush. He was born in wealthy elite family.

He never had any problem doing what he wanted to do because his family's wealth and name.

So he could attend Yale and Harvard. He became a governor of Texas and finally the most powerful man in the world.

The film featured how he and his administration made a mistake in provoking the war in Iraq.

There was no WMD, but they made it up to conquere the oil mines in the Middle East.

Luckily, the media and public supported the war because of the fear caused by 911 attack.


After all, the U.S. system proved to be problematic by letting such spoiled man become a leader of the country.

He was never self-made man. He never could accomplish anything by himself. Always relying on his father's power.

The U.S. has been actually feudal society ruled by dynasties. This article describes the detail and this novel tells it in drama format.

America was drastically changed by this man in a very bad way. The U.S. is now in big economic crisis having huge debt and getting involved in two failed wars.

Recently I and other Japanese have to complain about the U.S. very often.

Well, America is not dream country to me any more.

21:50 Posted in Film, Politics, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: bush, iraq

25 October 2009

Trip to Okinawa

The main purpose was to meet people in Okinawa who confronts most unwanted unwelcome environmentally destructive and dangerous facilities in Okinawa. I joined them. If you want to know the detail, please read this article.

The below is the video clip I made for the summary of my Anti-US base tour.


However, I really enjoyed sightseeing and leisure in Okinawa, too. Swimming in emerald green sea, attending a concert on the beach, eating delicous food, forest trecking and seeing magnificient views of the island. This is the most beautiful island in the world only if the US fucking bases are gotten rid of. See the below video clip. That's fun part of Okinawa trip.


Since the Cold War is over, their presence is useless. Potential threat, China? No. China is world's largest owner of U.S. treasury bonds. They can't confront China because they owe Chinese a lot. All they do in Okinawa or other base towns in Japan is spread pollution disease, killing endangered mammals, commiting crimes such as rape and murder.


What are they doing? Go back where they belong, where they are welcome. Not in Okinawa, Not elsewhere in Japan. 


13 October 2009

US military is DUGONG KILLER!

In Henoko, Nago-city, Okinawa Prefecture, Southernmost island of Japan, Dugongs lives are endangered by US Marine Base construction.

Negotiation to change the plan is underway between the two governments.  

It is in fact, part of US Military Transformation Program which includes relocation of Marines in Futenma. After Futenma is removed, half of the Marines there will be relocated to Guam, the other half will be to Henoko.

But endangered sea mammals, dugongs inhabit in that coastal area. They eat seaweeds in that sea.

The construction of the base will pollute the sea of that area thus kill that endangered species.


You know what! Americans who criticize Japan's whaling and dolphin hunting are killing such beautiful and endangered sea mammals.

The preview of the film portrays their hypocrisy. Not taking on evil act of their own govermnet but accusing us of sea mammal killer.

Japanese goverment and local people in Okinawa don't want that but the U.S. is pressuring to build that.

Don't they think it would cause damage on their country's reputation among Japanese?

Japanese don't like Americans any more and never want to buy things from Americans.

The U.S. base is not defending Japan at all. China is thought to be potential threat, but China lends so much money to their bankrupt economy.

Actually the U.S. needs financial help from Japan, too. Aren't they wise enough to be concerned about Japanese public opinion for their national interest?

Actually it is time Japanese stop being friend with Americans. They are not decent enough to get along with.

Well, I always try to avoid buying goods made in USA or those of American brands except necessary ones like Microsoft.

Since deployment of Nuclear Aircraft Carrier in Yokosuka port, my feeling towards America was really changed.

In fact, I realized that country sucks. I got tired of Hollywood films and pop music. I am more interested in other countries' culture and my own culture, not the one with no substantial tradition and history.  

Poor country, even a President receives Nobel Peace Prize, they have to continue spending so much money to kill people and destroy environment. The people there are losing jobs, starving and cannot afford medical expenditure. Young Americans join military to get tuition for college education. Obama never deserves Nobel Peace Prize.

I can never believe I used to live in their country and study there for more than 5 years. That is away in the past.  

29 August 2009

Nimitz, George Washington, UNWELCOME!


This week, US Navy's nuclear aircraft carrier, NIMITZ (CVN-68) was anchored in Yokosuka base. The purpose of the visit was to get supply from the base. Since last year USS George Washington (CVN-73) has been home ported there. The ship will come back on 1st of September. Both ships are in fact unwelcome by local citizens. So just as usual they marched on the street including near the U.S. Navy Base. The photo was taken near the base on 23 of August.

Anti-George Washington campaign has been going on for years. If you want to know why people hate nuclear aircraft carrrier, see this YOU TUBE video.  Interestingly enough, I've got a great chance to interview with a nuclear reactor crew of the ship, this is the detail.
This is 21st century. Cold war was already over!. No need for the U.S. military bases in Japan. They are just here to interfere with our sovereignty. Just go home where you belong! That was a message I raised during the march.
Not just nuclear aircraft carriers, the U.S. military brings criminals to threaten our peaceful society. Recently, the secret agreement was disclosed that Japanese D.A. would avoid indicte the crimes commited by U.S. military personnels even though the case happens not in the troop's work hour. In fact, cases of non-indictement has been higher than those commited by Japanese nationals. 
Soon new goverment will be set up. The new ruling party DPJ stated they would propose the amendment of US-Japan Status of Force Agreement and other related matters. They are planning to reduce the US military presence in Japan. It is what Japanese people has been demanding for a long time. The old ruling party were not so smart as to handle such normal demands.  
We don't like America any more. The sales of Hollywood film is declining recently. U.S. beef is known to be most toxic food, so no decent restaurant wants to serve it. The U.S. caused the world depression thanks to Lehman or other financial institutions. We know a lot of Americans are suffering corrupt system. The new ruling party says they will shift focus of diplomacy from the U.S. to neighboring Asian nations. That is good. The U.S. is no longer our role model, not so important like in the old days. Not a good friend any more. Even we get huge profit by trading with the U.S. what we get is depreciating U.S. dollar bills. The new prime minister is considering new common currency among Asian nations.  
On the day of demonstration, I visited exhibited old imperial navy's flag ship, Mikasa.
togo.JPGI saluted at the statue of Admiral Togo Heihachiro who led the ship along with the fleet that knocked down Russian fleet on the Sea of Japan in 1905, that resulted in a victory over Russia so that Japan could block Russian invasion in Manchuria and Korean penninsular. Last year when I first visited the ship, I met the ghosts of sailors and the admiral of the ship, I remember they said they wanted to remove foreign base occupying their place where they used to belong.
Yes, Yokosuka was in fact the old imperial navy's base. Now only half part of the base is used by Japanese self-defense navy.
It is time we get back our land.
I heard the news this week Nimitz crews painted the memorial ship as volunteer and the ship exhibition and preservation association held the reception to commemorate late Admiral Nimitz who helped recover the ship in 1960's after no one took care of the ship since Japan's defeat of the war. CVN-68 was named after Admiral Nimitz who admired the Admiral Togo.
Well, we have to appreciate him as for this matter. After the devastation of the war and demilitarization, Japanese totally forgot about the ship and lost respect to their own military, American military remembered the ship. Maybe because that was the ship that knocked down the cold war enemy country's fleet.
But it is time Japan controls its own defense not relying on foreign power. In fact, we are ready. Japan's naval force is second largest in the world. Soon Japan will build its own aircraft carrier. Actually it already has one, but only for helicopters. See the photo.
Japan's brand new helicopter carrier, Hyuga lined with Nimitz. Front is Hyuga.  
Hyuga is half length of Nimitz. We do not need nuclear powered one but we will have to build longer one so that airfighters can be stored and take off or land on.
Only obstacle is pacifist consitituition that restricts scope of military actions. I think it would not take so much time to amend it. More and more people are realizing they should.    
The U.S. military will go away by losing trust and sympathy budget fund from generous Japanese government.
It is good thing for the both countries.