28 August 2008
Empire of Poverty (Hinkon-taikoku), America!
That is the title of a book written by Mika Tsutsumi, who wrote this book, which I wrote the review of.
She has lived in New York as college student and office worker but since she experienced 911 turmoil, she started to learn what went wrong in the U.S.
In this book, she paid attention to poverty issue. Some of the things mentioned overlap in her previous book.
The book became best-selling non-fiction book in Japan. It was sold at the price of 700 yen (US$7).
At first she talked about subprime loan crisis. The real estate business took mean advantage of poor people who have dreams of having their own houses, which they could never afford by their cheap salaries. They ended up losing houses and dreams and then being poorer than before.
50 million people don't have medical insurance. 60 million live by the wage under $7 per day. 35 million people are in hunger. That was a result of free economy. The poor gets poorer, the rich gets richer.
Although so many are in hunger, but at the same time so many of them are suffering from obesity. The poverty and the obesity are linked. Poor people cannot afford healthy food. They had to buy cheap junk food which is filled with oil and contain less nutrition. They get fat but lack nutrition that result in sickness but they have no medical insurance to cure. The medical insurance issue she mentioned is similar to Micheal Moore's "Sicko."
Americans favour free competition, smaller government, and privatization. Hurricane Katrina was a catastrophie caused by privatization. FEMA was privatized and disaster prevention budget was cut-off.
In the last chapter, she described working poor became new type of military drafting system. A truck driver was offered high-paying job in Iraq by a military contractor. After months of labor in Iraq, he got leukemia because he drunk highly radioactive water. He had no insurance coverage to take care of his illness. Even though he got a big money for that job, he had to use all of it to cure the illness and ended up being poorer and getting heavy illness.
The poor people had no choice but to work for the military which offers only very hard and dangerous tasks.
That is the true figure of America, now. The popularity of Obama seems to be supported by those who experience such hard situations.
Today the U.S. marked very historical moment, Afro-American was nominated for presidential candidate of major political party. Some might hope because he is Black, he should know how the oppressed feel.
Can Ob(s)ama-Bi(nla)den change things better for the U.S. rather than fighting against terrorists outside their country? No more war and poverty, please!
23:50 Posted in Books, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (1) | Tags: poverty, war, election, Afro-American
04 August 2008
Stupid comic book and Fireworks
On 2nd of August, I went to U.S. Navy Base in Yokosuka city, 30 kilometers from Tokyo.
On that day, "Navy Friendship Day" festival was held there. "Friendship?" Huh? Are they our friends?
The navy is bringing very dangerous ship to the sea near our capital. That is CVN 73, George Washington.
They were providing comic books that describe life of the crews, how much they are excited to live in Japan, how much they love Japan. Such a cliche just irritated me.
In fact the story were all fiction including the scene of the fire in laundry room. A crew extinguished the fire from a dryer immediately and prevented it from spreading.

In May the CVN 73 caught a big fire on the sea near South America. The fire spread out to 80 compartments in the ship. It took 12 hours to extinguish the fire. The cause of the fire was announced 2 months later and it was from cigarette in non-smoking area. The fire was flashed off flammable fuels near it. The fuels were placed in prohibited area.
The morale of the crews was proved to be terrible. We can never rely on such crews for controlling the dangerous nuclear ship. I've already written a post about danger of nuclear aircraft carrier on this blog several times. I also posted You Tube video clip for this issue.
At night I saw fireworks lighting over the sea. It was very beautiful scene. I really enjoyed especially because I could see it lying on the football field inside the base.
The cost of maintaining the base facilities came from our tax. If they are protecting our land, I wouldn't care. But they just use that for their purposes and threaten our lives. We don't want them around us any more.
America should change their policy. They have to care about their own people rather than people outside their country. Abondon foreign bases and go back to traditional isolationism.
Last month I saw the documentary film featuring the U.S. soldiers and their miserable lives. The title was "AMERICA BANZAI, crazy as usual." The film featured Iraq war veterans who ended up being homeless after they came back home. Young soldier who refused to go to Iraq and dishonorably discharged. I hope this would be shown in the U.S. The director of the film is Japanese.
Living as American seems so hard except being Paris Hilton.
21:55 Posted in Japan News, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: nuclear aircraft carrier, military, Movies, navy, documentary, nuclear power
24 May 2008
George Washington, Never, never come to Japan
Breaking News came up!
Nuclear aircraft carrier, CVN "George Washington" has caught a fire on the sea near South America. US Navy told the press it took hours to distinguish the fire. No damage on the nuclear reactor was reported. No affect on navigation. The navy will transport the ship to the Yokosuka city as scheduled.
Taking hours to distinguish the fire, this is very abnormal situation for the navy ship. We don't want such fragile and abnormal ship near us. Actually there is no need for that stupid ship in our country's security. As I mentioned in this article, the only reason US military stays in our country is cheaper cost by our tax.
The carrier will be deployed in Yokosuka, middle August and if an accident happens again! They will destroy our land. The ship will be the Third Atomic Bomb!
This is the end of US-Japan relationship.
"George Washington" should not come! The ship will meet unwelcome atmosphere by Yokosuka citizens. This will expand anti-US sentiment all over Japan. The U.S. Navy will make most stupid choice in its history.
"Yankees, go home! Do not pollute our land and kill us in the name of "Defense.""
Answer to Pritcht,
The information you get all comes from the military. Please see this video clip on You Tube.
21:15 Posted in Japan News, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (2) | Tags: navy, nuclear aircraft carrier, military, nuclear power
16 May 2008
Get US troops out of Japan!
The photo below is the gathering of Yokosuka citizens who protest deployment of Nuclear aircraft carrier USS "George Washington" which is scheduled to dock in Yokosuka port in August. Yokosuka is just 20 miles away from Tokyo.
I call that ship "Third Atomic Bomb." The citizen group collected more than 52,000 signatures to call for referendum to object the deployment. But the city council voted down the referendum plan. Maybe because the council members were afraid that the Japanese government would stop paying subsidies to the city if they approve the plan.
I've already written why I call it that way. Please read this post for the detail.
The photo below is the campaign I started with the protestors.
This post is the statement I made to the U.S. government.
The problem is not just nuclear carrier, the bigger issue that includes this dangerous ship deployment is US bases in Japan.
The US bases have been placed in Japan since the defeat of Japanese imperial army in 1945. The purpose was to occupy the defeated enemy and counter the communist nations such as Soviet Union.
But the Pacific war and the Cold War are all over, then why are they still in Japan?
The answer is simple. Japan is paying the expense for the bases such as salaries for civilian personnels, utilities, construction of the buildings and housing inside the bases. The amount is almost 6 billion US $.
For a long time, Japanese have been too generous to believe the U.S. troops are defending us while we only have very small and weak military troops. Since the cold war is over, there is no particular threat to us. Soviet Union collapsed. China has been thought to be next threat. But that is nonesense. China is biggest trade partner for Japan and the biggest buyer of the U.S. government bonds. The U.S. wouldn't help Japan even if China attacks us.
Actually, the U.S. troops never defended Japan even before. During the cold war era, the target was Russia, they just wanted to use Japan as defense line for the non-communist world. Japanese troops were used to protect U.S. troops in the bases. After the cold war, they use it as free transit points for their military strategies. They don't necessarily use Japanese bases unless Japanese government pays the expense. As Colin Powell said, Japan is cheap location for the U.S. military. Just that.
There is actually no American troops that defend our nation. American troops stationed in Japan are mostly supply staff. Not combat ones. The defense for Japanese military has been done by Japanese troops. That is their primary responsibility in the guideline agreed on between the both countries.
We have been fooled by the U.S. telling Japan should pay the expense for the bases in exchange for the security of the country. The money we've paid for were never used for our defense but used just to save the expense for the U.S. military. Not only that they never protected our country, but also they polluted our land and rape and kill civilians and bringing deadly weapon, Nuclear carrier that can nuke the whole capital region.
One more outrageous thing is the U.S. bases financially supported by Japanese tax payers may have been used for covert missions by CIA and NSA. What is their target? Russia or China? No. Japan. To steal technologies from Japan.
Wow! They are Trojan Horses. Just stop paying that money to them.
The two countries are at war in Japan land. What we have to do is get them out of our land. They have become very dangerous neighbors. I can't trust America and Americans any more.
"Yankees, go home!"
23:25 Posted in Politics, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: military, navy, Nuclear aircraft carrier, nuclear power