18 April 2009
Japan's New Hero!?
Months have passed since Tamogami was dismissed due to his public essay which justified Japan's aggression in Asia and Pacific during WW 2 and then thrown into the spotlight in November last year. During this time, we have heard much criticism, mostly negative, about Tamogami and his essay in the media. But his popularity is high and he has published several books and appeared media outlet so many times.

The fundamental errors in Tamogami’s take on history have been pointed out, and there have been murmurs of doubt between intellectuals about his ability to lead the Self-Defense Forces. This man is being regarded as a demagogue who was not even competent enough to launch a coup.
However, similar criticism was placed on military politician Adolf Hilter who appeared in Germany after World War I. People said that a worthless guy like him will never be able to take over the country. But he did. Intellectuals completely underestimated his power.
I cannot agree with Tamogami’s historical views whatsoever. They are obviously mistaken. For some reason, however, I feel very emotional when I hear him speak. This can likely be said for a lot of people, not just myself. One senses that he has the ability to relieve our discontent with the current situation. It is the feeling of worry for our country, no matter what our position. It is not so much the actual meaning of his words that is important, but rather the desire to share his passion.
In fact, the current state of Japan is similar to that of the Weimar Republic of Germany. The recession is deepening, and frustration with a government that is weak in foreign diplomacy is swelling. I myself feel very frustrated with the Japanese and American governments that are essentially renouncing our sovereignty by deploying a home port for a nuclear-powered air craft carrier in Yokosuka. As a result, I feel a grain of hope hearing Tamogami’s words that advocate revising the constitution to allow for a defense system that is independent from the United States.
However, we must be careful not to fall for his words too easily. He is harming our national interests with his clearly mistaken actions. It is unfortunate that this may have been the only way for him to catch the interest of the Japanese people in Japan’s current situation. Its is pathetic. Politicians and intellectuals are always promoting themselves under the pretense of helping others and eluding arguments that get to the heart of the matter.
In this case, those who see Tamogami as a threat must consider circumstances equally as seriously as he does and intend to actually implement that reform. Ideologies where one simply prays for peace because of a distaste for war will lose in the battle with reality.
Regarding my frustration with deployment of a nuclear powered aircraft carrier in Yokosuka, the below describes the issue.
21:36 Posted in Japan News, Politics, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: military
06 March 2009
Interview with CVN 73 Nuclear Reactor Crew
The below article is translation of this original Japanese article posted on Japan's Citizens Internet Site, JANJAN.
The American navy nuclear powered aircraft carrier George Washington (CVN 73) entered Tokyo Bay and moored at Yokosuka base, and it has passed already 9 months. I have always opposed the station of that aircraft carrier. Recently, I had a chance to contact a crew member handling the nuclear reactor of that aircraft carrier, and since I had opportunities to communicate with him by e mail and also meeting him directly, I asked the man who contacts nuclear reactors directly about the safety.
For that crew, to communicate with me may be a little bit risky action. To contact with the opposition group like me is an action that his superior does not want to allow, and if military classified information are mentioned during the contact by mistake, he will face a court-martial. The consent was given on condition that strictly “answer questions within the limit that does not touch classified information”. Since the real name and detailed characteristics can not be revealed in the article, it is decided that he would be called “Mister”.
As referred to crews of warship, catching a glimpse, everybody tends to think that they are soldiers trained for combat, however, actually, most crew members are just people who have no training other than self-defense. Mister” told me that he is a crew member belonging to the second largest department which is in charge of the nuclear reactor of the ship, and had received special practice and training for that.
The duty is almost 10 hours per day, and also, once a week is 24 hours duty. When it was asked whether such harsh working is safe, he answered that in the military, it is common knowledge to work for 3-4 days with 3-4 hours sleeping, so he does not suffer. When he was asked concerning his salary, that was an astonishing amount. In addition to that, since living cost is almost nothing, it could be saved as much as desired. Well, it is the level that one does not have to worry whether tiredness lowers morale.
The following is the questions and the answers of the “Mister”.
Me: I heard that nuclear reactors are being turned off during mooring. Nevertheless, I heard that the reactors must be cooled continuously, and for that, the cooling system is working continuously by electricity drawn from the ground, however, if the ground electricity supply system is destroyed by earthquakes, etc., and thus it could not be cooled, wouldn't it be melt down?
Mister: First of all, such things can not happen. Warships are designed in anticipation of all situations in the world. Of course, it is designed to withstand also earthquakes. When the electric power can not be supplied, by the power source of the ship using diesel fuel, the cooling system could work continuously. Even if that does not function, in the present condition, it is possible to cool it sufficiently only by air.
As a precaution, nuclear reactors are watched by human eyes for 24 hours, without leaving even one second. All staffs in charge of nuclear reactors are professionals with more than two or three years working experience, at least at 2 or 3 nuclear facilities.
Me: It appears that in the past, accidents such as the leakage of cooling water and the radiation exposure of workers happened, but the U.S. navy has insisted that “no accident”. I can not understand, why?
Mister: The definition of an accident by the navy is the situation that nuclear fission products are leaked from the reactor. The pointed out examples do not fit in with accidents.
Me: If a plane crashes to the ship from the top or the side, are nuclear reactors safe?
Mister: Nuclear reactors are located in the bottom lower than the sea level. Even if it is attacked by a torpedo, since shielded heavily (protective partition), the reactors can not be damaged.
Me: It appears to use considerably highly concentrated nuclear fuel, right?
Mister: That is because nuclear reactors are smaller than general ones. Even if it is destroyed, the amount of nuclear materials leaked may not be greatly different.
Me: As a crew, (routinely) do you feel the fear of radiation exposure?
Mister: Not at all. In the ship, a counter is installed, and the amount of radiation exposure in the ship is only about 1/3 of the amount received from the sun light.
Me: Now, I heard that the aircraft carrier has entered the maintenance period until May. Are you repairing nuclear reactors, change nuclear fuel, etc.?
Mister: According to the regulation, such things can not be done in foreign countries. However, if a part is changed for maintenance, since it is a contaminated material, they are stored stringently, and to stay nothing of them outside of base, it can not be taken to the outside of vessel, and it will be carried back to our country.
Me: Last year, there was an incident that a non-American Nigerian soldier killed a driver. Is the morale OK?
Mister: All the crew members in charge of nuclear reactors are only Americans. That incidence made us angry. Because, due to the incidence, our reputation became bad.
Me: Do you feel welcome from Yokosuka’s people?
Mister: It is surprising that the station of the warship became controversial so much. Welcome and unwelcome, I feel both. An interesting thing is when we called at Korea last November, it was completely different hearty welcome. Perhaps, because Korea has the urgent problem of national security.
Me: How could the reason of the aircraft carrier stationed in Yokosuka be explained?
Mister: It was understood that first of all, the first is a deterrent power, the second is the relief of natural disasters, and the third is, although actually this is thought to be the most important, to show off American influence.
Me: What do you think about President Obama taking office?
Mister: Most military are republicans. That is because the Republican party is in the position to support military expansion. However, personally, I am excited about the first Black man taking office. It is not the time of racism anymore.
Me: From the view of a nuclear energy engineer, can you consider to promote nuclear energy as an energy source?
Mister: I think it should be done. Although accidents are much worried, Chernobyl, etc. happened because their maintenance was completely neglected. Wind power and solar heat could be applied to small communities, but it is not suitable to supply electricity to big cities. Among Bush’s policies, one that could be supported is the decision to build 20 new nuclear power generators in the country.
The engineer who responded to the interview was a typical nice guy. Personally, I also have known many good guys among Americans. Because, may be I had lived in America more than 5 years.
One can not tell whether George Washington will actually cause accidents. When it happens, it happens. Nonetheless, I am also aware of the argument that the risk of nuclear reactors is not the main issue. The problem is that using our tax, a home port is provided to a huge aircraft carrier of other country. American military also testify in the congress that the military is stationed in Japan because it is cheap due to so called "Simpathy budget" which is Japanese government provides for the aid.
I hear the opinion that speaking from the aspect of national security, we should accept U.S. military presence, however, in reality, the right answer is that American soldiers are not required. Already, Japan has an army called the Self-Defense Force with more than enough power to protect the territory. Although "threatening from China”can be frequently heard, according to the estimation of the defense ministry, even if Chinese army attacks, the Self-Defense force could defeat them within several hours.
Of course, that is merely an assumption. Nonetheless, even if Japanese and Chinese become the conflict state, if considering the fact that China is the country who owns U.S. treasury bonds most in the world, the possibility that America will become Japanese side is very low. Since the level is the"removal of North Korea from terrorist countries", it is evident that they will be hardly enthusiastic.
In spite of such situation, American military is allowed to use the base. According to the common sense of international communities, it cannot help but considering as "became an occupied country willingly".
If American force remains continuously more than this, it is not beneficial to both Japan and America. Because of the base problem, the impression of American on Japanese including me worsens daily. If America also considers the Japanese American relationship to be important particularly after the financial crisis, they should feel it is the time of withdrawal.
It is better to stop providing Simpathy budget" in order to reduce American force stationed in Japan greatly, operate Yokosuka naval base as the base for the Japanese Self-Defense Force, and the nuclear powered aircraft carrier uses the base not as a home port but only as a port of visit. Of course, it will be better to turn off nuclear reactors, and to revise the status of forces agreement to reinforce the right of the safety inspection.
Indeed, to do such things will become great advantages not only for Japanese people but also for Americans including "Mister". I believe that indeed, it is the role of Japanese government to persuade the U.S. government to do such things.
01:06 Posted in Japan News, Politics, Science, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: nuclear aircraft carrier, military, navy
30 December 2008
Speech on U.S. welfare reform and its failure
On 21 of December, the speech by a professor from UC Riverside, Dr. Ellen Reese was held in Hosei University, Tokyo. The speaker was critical of US welfare reform done since 1996. The purpose of the speech was to acknowledge Japanese people the welfare reform such as 5 year time-out period was worst thing for Japan to follow.
The main points were as follows,
- The U.S. is the most affluent nation in the world but 1 in 10 people are living below poverty line. 1 in 5 children were living in the household of below poverty line.
- Poverty is concentrated among ethnic minorities and single mother households.
- Federal poverty guideline was set in 1960s. It is already outdated.
- Welfare reform started in 1996 did not actually reduce the poverty but glossed over serious facts to reduce welfare recipients.
- A common myth is that the welfare recipients live extravagant lives, wasting tax payers's expense. In reality, federal public assistance does not provide enough money to lift a family out of poverty or even pay for all of a family's basic necessities.
- Private welfare contractors are cheating on welfare recipients by encouraging them to to ask friends, families and churches for help to keep most of the money they have to use for the recipients.
- The states with more Black people implement more strict policies on welfare.
- Those who time-out of welfare are in harder situation than those who left welfare for other reasons.
- Time-out people, especially women have to rely on their former abusers, often their fathers and damage their mental and physical conditions.
- The states with more strict welfare policy have higher rate of child abuse, fostering and out-of-home care cases.
It is very sad to know such facts.
The U.S. has been a role model of Japan since the end of World War 2. Japan was occupied by the U.S. force and democratized by them.
Thanks to the U.S. distribution of the wealth in our country has become much more even than prewar time. The constitution given by the U.S. insures citizens' rights to have healthy and cultural lives, which the government has to support.
Now the situation has changed. The U.S. has become "Do not follow" model.
Since Iraq war, the U.S. has spent too much money on military. Why not they want to spend that amount of money for the poor people in their own territory. The economy is going bankrupt by financial crisis. It is time to change.
I hope that in next year Mr. Obama can change the things better, pulling their troops from outside their territory and concentrating poverty issue in his country. The U.S. is not superpower any more.
The below is You Tube clips that post part of the speech (2 parts, 13 minutes).
Part 2
17:14 Posted in Japan News, Politics, Society, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: poverty, welfare
13 December 2008
Visited Unwelcome, Dangerous and useless U.S. ship
On December 6, Saturday, I went to Yokosuka Navy Base to see Japan's most unwelcome, dangerous and useless American ship.
It was public showing and festival day. I got on the CVN 73, USS George Washington. It was huge aircraft carrier. It contains huge nuclear reactor. It is like Chernobyl or Third Atomic Bomb in Tokyo Capital Region. The U.S. Navy is threatening Japanese citizens lives.
Actually it was fun to visit there, all the things there were dynamic and very new to me. Luckiely I could see Mt. Fuji from the runway on the roof.
The below is what I videotaped.
But this is not Disneyland. I don't want the U.S. navy stationed in Japan. They are not safe things as you know what happened in San Diego.
The presence of U.S. navy is not working as deterrance like the Cold War era. Soviet Union fell apart.
China seemed to be new threat but China is a biggest financial supporter for the U.S. They are the biggest buyer of U.S. Treasury bonds. They buy Boeing, Intel chips from the U.S. China and the U.S. are close friends.
In fact just 2 days after the public showing Chinese ship entered Japanese sea illegally. Meaning they are not afraid of U.S. military at all.
The other notable threat is North Korea but the U.S. ended designation of "North Korea as terror supporting Nation" recently.
It is appearant the U.S. is not enthusiastic about North Korea issues such as abduction of Japanese citizens and nuclear weapon development.
They should leave Japan ASAP. Actually once Japanese government stops providing aid to them, they would immediately leave here.
The only reason they stay is Japan's financial aid.
See this videoclip to know how unwelcome the ship is.
21:04 Posted in Japan News, Politics, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (1) | Tags: nuclear aircraft carrier, military, navy