28 August 2008
Empire of Poverty (Hinkon-taikoku), America!
That is the title of a book written by Mika Tsutsumi, who wrote this book, which I wrote the review of.
She has lived in New York as college student and office worker but since she experienced 911 turmoil, she started to learn what went wrong in the U.S.
In this book, she paid attention to poverty issue. Some of the things mentioned overlap in her previous book.
The book became best-selling non-fiction book in Japan. It was sold at the price of 700 yen (US$7).
At first she talked about subprime loan crisis. The real estate business took mean advantage of poor people who have dreams of having their own houses, which they could never afford by their cheap salaries. They ended up losing houses and dreams and then being poorer than before.
50 million people don't have medical insurance. 60 million live by the wage under $7 per day. 35 million people are in hunger. That was a result of free economy. The poor gets poorer, the rich gets richer.
Although so many are in hunger, but at the same time so many of them are suffering from obesity. The poverty and the obesity are linked. Poor people cannot afford healthy food. They had to buy cheap junk food which is filled with oil and contain less nutrition. They get fat but lack nutrition that result in sickness but they have no medical insurance to cure. The medical insurance issue she mentioned is similar to Micheal Moore's "Sicko."
Americans favour free competition, smaller government, and privatization. Hurricane Katrina was a catastrophie caused by privatization. FEMA was privatized and disaster prevention budget was cut-off.
In the last chapter, she described working poor became new type of military drafting system. A truck driver was offered high-paying job in Iraq by a military contractor. After months of labor in Iraq, he got leukemia because he drunk highly radioactive water. He had no insurance coverage to take care of his illness. Even though he got a big money for that job, he had to use all of it to cure the illness and ended up being poorer and getting heavy illness.
The poor people had no choice but to work for the military which offers only very hard and dangerous tasks.
That is the true figure of America, now. The popularity of Obama seems to be supported by those who experience such hard situations.
Today the U.S. marked very historical moment, Afro-American was nominated for presidential candidate of major political party. Some might hope because he is Black, he should know how the oppressed feel.
Can Ob(s)ama-Bi(nla)den change things better for the U.S. rather than fighting against terrorists outside their country? No more war and poverty, please!
23:50 Posted in Books, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (1) | Tags: poverty, war, election, Afro-American
06 July 2008
I was right! That was racist ad!
Last month, I mentioned the below ad was racist using monkey as OBAMA in presidential election campaign.
The company that uses the ad, EMOBILE admitted the commercial was offensive to Afro-Americans considering the historical fact that monkey character had been used to portray Blacks as inferior creature to other people. Then early this month, they announced they would not air the commercial on TV and pulled the ad. However, they said they never meant to insult Black people by this ad because monkeys has been their maskots in their company's products.
I've mentioned this issue last month on this blog, see this article posted on June 21. I also mentioned on Japan's well-known internet newspaper, JANJAN. This is the article (in Japanese.) Some people object my view because I seem to make extreme interpretation of the ad concept. There are a lot of commercials that use animals to portray human characters.
But as a result, I was right. EMOBILE received so many complaints from Americans living in Japan. CNN covered this story. I knew that would happen because I used to live in the U.S. and learned so much about history of racism. I took Black Studies course.
Well, that helped. Most Japanese are ignorant about this issue because our society is much less diverse than the U.S. in terms of race and ethncity.
EMOBILE wasted so much ad budget but they learned good lesson. So did many Japanese citizens.
20:20 Posted in Japan News | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: racism, election, Afro-American
21 June 2008
Isn't this Racist Ad?
18:05 Posted in Japan News, Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: racism, election, Afro-American
16 March 2008
Impressed by Obama's respected pastor, Rev. Wright
It is been reported that Obama's long time inspirer, Pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright made very controversial remarks in his Gospel speech. Obama denounced his remarks and he never knew the pastor did it until recently.
I can't find anything so controversial in his sermons.
He, himself is Afro-American, so there is no problem that he uses the word "Niger." He said America is founded on racist culture. I think he talked about slavery and masscre of Native Americans.
The most impressive to me, was he said "We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye," he said. "We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and Black South Africans, and now we are indignant. Because the stuff we have done overseas has now brought right back into our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost."
This pastor is ex-marine. He knew what the war is like. He just criticized the U.S. foreign policy in his radical way, I think.
I don't think he meant to insult America.
For Japanese like us, Americans criticizing Hiroshima and Nagasaki were kind of impressive. Obama was spritually influenced by this pastor. Well, that sounds nice to us. Very humble attitude of Americans. He knows how the oppressed feel. That is why he is becoming popular among the impoverished layer of society including whites.
But I want to tell this pastor he should condemn not only the U.S. for dropping atomic bombs but also Japan who slaughtered many innocent Chinese and attacked on Pearl Harbor in the name of "justice." That is what I expressed in this post on this blog.
I understand why Mr. Obama had to denounce the pastor because today's America is no longer open-minded to radical leftist speech. This is sad thing to know. Isn't America free country any more? You can't criticize your government's policies because such acts are considered unpatriotical.
That is just like Nazi-Germany. I would be proud of a citizen of a country if the country is democratic and tolerates free speech including the things critical of itself.
Sometimes, by becoming anti of your nation, you will know better of your country and drive your country into right direction.
"God Damn America!" can change your country better after being tired of saying "God bless America."
13:55 Posted in Politics, US-Japan relationship | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: Afro-American, war, religion, racism, election