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07 March 2025

Film "Salt" has become reality

A female CIA agent Evelyn Salt was suspected of being a double agent from Russia since a Russian deserter revealed but the revelation was a trap to destroy the US by the Russian intelligence. In fact she was the double agent so were a lot of other people in the US government. 

Recent President Trump's dialogue with Ukrainian President Zelensky showed the film was a kind of preview of the current US and Russia relationship. Trump has been a pro-Russia person like other conservative people in the US. 

Yes, Russia has been evil in this affair. Russia invaded Ukraine and Ukraine has been a victim.

But who fueled the conflict?  Does Ukraine have any chance to win this war? Americans are in fact tired of helping Ukraine so Trump was elected. 

As I was IR major during my college days, International Relaion is cold blooded field that justice cannot be always done. Rather, you have to be a very pragmatist. 

Ceasefire or Truce is prioritised action not to cause any more casualties. 

We know "Might is Right" is wrong but that's the reality and we have to deal with such reality. 

In fact, America and its allied nations including Japan are seen as evil from Russia and China. 

Do we always represent the rightousness? 

Once we start arguing, it will never end forever. So let's choose earlier end of the war and less casualties. 

23:44 Posted in Film, Politics, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: russia, trump, ukraine

11 December 2024

My planned novel "White America" should be more interesting than the film "Civil War"

Journalists traveling to Washington to conduct the interview with the Trump-like US President amid the civil war in the 21st century. 

The film wasn't very impressive to me. I could clearly figure out the intent of producer of the film, criticizing Trump and warning citizens for electing Trump. 

I do not think Trump being elected was all bad. He is a kind of consequence of American society's agony caused by massive number of undocumented immigrants and extreme PC (political correctness) and DEI (diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). 

It is time America and the world realise its true figure. America is no longer what we know of in the 20th century. That image of America may have been exceptional. America has been white dominated racist society. Trump unveiled true nature of America. 

Before such movie is released, I've come up with a novel idea "White America" in which only white conservative people live in an exclusive area in the US and enjoy their livelihood without worrying about PC and DEI. 

I guess that is the solution for America's internal division. As a matter of fact, Americans live separately depending on their race, economic status and thoughts. America is a big country, different people do not have to mix and try to understand the difference. Zoning may be a solution. 

That is what I would like to propose to American society. 

31 July 2019

German TV drama “Deutchland 1983”, More interested in Germany than USA now

I just found a TV drama series “Deutchland 1983” on internet. That was a story in the Cold War Era in Germany, when the nation was divided into two separate states, East Germany, called DDR and West Germany. The protagonist was a young man assigned to spy West Germany military activity disguising a subordinate to the general. In order to get classified information he had to use every element of his life including sex. That was quite thrilling. The story also featured 1980’s culture and social matters such as Walkman, AIDS and Ronald Reagan and described how severe life in East Germany was.

It is scary that there was a spy who shared the same language, culture and ancestry but ideology and tried to knock you down inside your own country. It is just like current North and South Korea.

Germany has thrilling history such as Nazis and the division of the nation. It has more interesting topics than any other nations. My interest in foreign nation is shifted from USA to Germany recently. America isn’t a very attractive nation any more since Trump is elected as President. Just recently Trump said to his rivaling congresswomen to go back home although they are naturalized citizens. US President cannot tolerant different opinions of theirs. He does not represent a nation that respects freedom. US is becoming like Nazi-Germany and degrading their national image while German chanceller Merkel said she sided with the congresswomen.

I am learning so much about its language, culture, politics, society, history and etc. I think I have to study more. I will watch more German dramas and movies and am excited to do that.

Ich interessiere mich fur Deutchland. 

16 August 2017

Trump is the very American President

The world is shocked by white supremacists' march and subsequent terror attack to its counterprotestors in Charlottesville, Virginia, and President Trump's response to the incident.

To me, it was the same day I participated in a peace march protected by the police force and met with nationalist counterprotestors on the sidewalk. Prior to the march, the police blockaded the roads so no nationalist would not enter the march route. The peace activists protest the Yasukuni Shrine ideology (justifying Japan's invasion of Asian neighbors) and its enshrinement of the war dead in WW II. Just like General Lee Statue of the Confederate Army.

racism, history, okinawa, Trump,

racism, history, okinawa, Trump,What happened in Charlottesville is reverse. The marchers were nationalists.


Donald Trump has been criticized for his not naming white supremacists or Neo-Nazis as offenders, instead he blamed "many sides" or "both sides" for the incident.

He claimed that if they wanted to remove General Lee statue because of slavery related history, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson should be removed as well because they were slave owners.

Yes, he made points. America is founded on slavery, and massacre of Native Americans.

Liberals and mainstream media have harshly criticized Trump's statements, which seemed to condone white supremacists' action. More and more people join counterprotest to the rise of white nationalist movement. But it is the fact that some portion, not very small portion of the population supports white nationalist views. That is why he was elected.

America is in fact, European immigrants nation. Majority should be white. In coming decades, white will not be majority but fall into minority, less than half. Currently still more than 60%. Silent white majority now feels threatened because true American identity may be lost. Trump exposed true nature of America.

America, as melting pot, salad ball, mosaic is in fact, illusion. The reality is white dominated Christian base society. If other people want to join, they have to compromise to be second-class citizen. That is the same everywhere in the world. It is very, very difficult to change the society. Tradition and core demography cannot be changed easily whether it is good or evil. Obama, as Black president was exceptional. That is why such whitelash is happening.

To me as Japanese, if America is not white majority nation, it is not America I know. Most of Hollywood film actors are white. So it is the time we, Japanese and other people in the world to change the view of America.

America is no longer or has not traditionally, free and democratic and friendly nation that respects diversity and dignity of other people than whites. They were really good at advertising good images but the truth is not how they portrayed themselves to the world.

Good example is Guam in US Pacific territory and Okinawa, Japan.

Guam people have no rights to elect US President. Guam is small islands but one-third of the areas is occupied by US military bases. Locals have no rights to change the situation just like a colony.

In Okinawa, there has been anti-US military base movement led by Okinawa prefectural governor, Onaga. Majority of prefectural residents want US military, especially Marines out of their land. But the U.S. persists in stationing there in the name of defense of Japan, which in fact, they do not so.

racism, history, okinawa, Trump,

Good thing about Trump is he insists on removal of US forces from Japan because US no longer wants to defend foreign nations but prioritise domestic issues. Other US Presidents look politer but still want to keep hegemony of the world. Trump is destroying his nation's reputation so that US cannot lead the world any longer. More and more people stop treating America as the world leader or a role model of the democracy.

Trump looks crazy but may try to normalise his nation and the world. 

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