24 May 2009
Japanese navy protects anti-military group's cruize ship
Japan is one of the most democratic nations in the world.
In mid-May, Japanese naval self-defense force (actually Navy) guarded Japan's NGO, PEACE BOAT's cruise ship in Somali coastal areas.
This NGO is run by peace activist group and manages voyages on chartered ship.
This time their ship was on voyage of round-the-world trip. They had asked the Navy to protect their ship while it passed Somali coast.
Strangely, they protest Japanese government's decision to dispatch the navy to the Somali coast.
They publicly announced the opposition. They say they can protect themselves, otherwise Japan's coast guard should protect them.
But the travel agency which managed this voyage asked the Defense Ministry to guard the ship for the safety of the passengers.
Then the NGO met public criticism because their publicly announced stance and what they actually chose to do was different.
The organization has always been criticized by conservatives because their activity is too idealistic like defending Article 9 of the constitution which bans the state's possessing of military force. They have done a big campaign of "Protect Article 9" like religious organization's convention.
They believe Article 9 can protect themselves from bad militias. They believe they can always make peace by negotiation.
No arm force on the earth. But the reality was they were just hypocrite. They were like travel agent group which uses PEACE as ad copy.
Well, I know they have the right to be protected by the navy. The passengers are Japanese citizens. That is the navy's duty.
I am very proud of our navy which does that. Japan is democratic nation so even those who oppose the government decision can have the right to be protected.
Thanks for PEACE BOAT, it was proved how our country is democratic nation.
We are in a free society. We can say whatever we want, and can go wherever we want with the protection of the government.
Of course we can. We are tax payers. The sovereignty resides in the people.
And we are a rich country, too. This round-world vovage cost 1.5 million yen (11,000 euros, 10,000 US$) or even cheaper if you got board on it as volunteer staff.
The passengers could have great time having parties, enjoying fashion shows, singing, and discussion of the world peace while being protected by the navy, whom they don't like. They are protected from the pirates they think the consequence of the poverty rich nations caused and whom they think should be helped by their government's aid rather than the navy.
How lucky I am to be born as Japanese citizen!
20:58 Posted in Japan News, Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: navy
17 May 2009
"Miss Universe" is sexist and racist pageant
Miss Japan for this year's "Miss Universe" competition was selected, 24 year-old fashion model.
In 2007 Miss Japan won Miss Universe Crown. Was that good news?
Actually, I did not care and even despise the praise people were making.
This pageant should be criticised for its sexist and racist aspects.
Contenstants were expected to be gentle and cheerful girl. They have to be neutral in the sense of politics.
That is why Miss California was said to have lost the crown of Miss America because of her remark on the same sex marriage.
Women are evaluated based on skin deep and appearance by swim suits and evening gown. Not by their character or ability.
That is a traditional role of women in the society. Poor girls, they still want to be loved by playing such old-fashioned woman.
The standard of beauty for the pageant is western measure, not universal. It is myth of universalism.
Always a white woman won. Otherwise a woman who looked like white woman who suits high-heels, dress, and tiara did. Skinny and lighter skin color is recommended.
In some parts of the world, like in Southern Pacific islands or Calibu, fat women are considered attractive. Very different from western world.
Why is "Miss Universe" winner considered the queen of the world? No. They cannot represent the world's beauty.
There are numerous standards of woman's beauty. The pageant is very imperialistic thing.
By showing the pageant globally, the people of the world are brainwashed to believe western beauty is the only beauty of the world.
Nonsense and racist. We are not so dumb any more.
Such an event is unfitted to 21st century. Anti-feminist and anti-multi-culturalism.
The pageant should be abolished to ban discrimination.
19:12 Posted in Culture, Japan News, Media, Society | Permalink | Comments (5) | Tags: racism, feminism, women
18 April 2009
Japan's New Hero!?
Months have passed since Tamogami was dismissed due to his public essay which justified Japan's aggression in Asia and Pacific during WW 2 and then thrown into the spotlight in November last year. During this time, we have heard much criticism, mostly negative, about Tamogami and his essay in the media. But his popularity is high and he has published several books and appeared media outlet so many times.

The fundamental errors in Tamogami’s take on history have been pointed out, and there have been murmurs of doubt between intellectuals about his ability to lead the Self-Defense Forces. This man is being regarded as a demagogue who was not even competent enough to launch a coup.
However, similar criticism was placed on military politician Adolf Hilter who appeared in Germany after World War I. People said that a worthless guy like him will never be able to take over the country. But he did. Intellectuals completely underestimated his power.
I cannot agree with Tamogami’s historical views whatsoever. They are obviously mistaken. For some reason, however, I feel very emotional when I hear him speak. This can likely be said for a lot of people, not just myself. One senses that he has the ability to relieve our discontent with the current situation. It is the feeling of worry for our country, no matter what our position. It is not so much the actual meaning of his words that is important, but rather the desire to share his passion.
In fact, the current state of Japan is similar to that of the Weimar Republic of Germany. The recession is deepening, and frustration with a government that is weak in foreign diplomacy is swelling. I myself feel very frustrated with the Japanese and American governments that are essentially renouncing our sovereignty by deploying a home port for a nuclear-powered air craft carrier in Yokosuka. As a result, I feel a grain of hope hearing Tamogami’s words that advocate revising the constitution to allow for a defense system that is independent from the United States.
However, we must be careful not to fall for his words too easily. He is harming our national interests with his clearly mistaken actions. It is unfortunate that this may have been the only way for him to catch the interest of the Japanese people in Japan’s current situation. Its is pathetic. Politicians and intellectuals are always promoting themselves under the pretense of helping others and eluding arguments that get to the heart of the matter.
In this case, those who see Tamogami as a threat must consider circumstances equally as seriously as he does and intend to actually implement that reform. Ideologies where one simply prays for peace because of a distaste for war will lose in the battle with reality.
Regarding my frustration with deployment of a nuclear powered aircraft carrier in Yokosuka, the below describes the issue.
21:36 Posted in Japan News, Politics, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: military
29 March 2009
Enjoyed Bauhaus Arts
I went to the exhibition of Bauhaus art in Utsunomiya Museum of Art in Utsunomiya city, 1 and half hour train ride from Tokyo.

That was very amazing exhibition. I've learned so much about Bauhaus stuff buying books on Bauhaus history, arts, and architecture.
Bauhaus was established in 1919 in Weimar, Germany and was later relocated to Dessau and finally relocated in Berlin.
But in 1933, after Nazis took over authorities of the government, Bauhaus ended just as Weimar Republic did.
It was a symbol of modernism. The cocept was unification of art and technology. Respecting functionalism but being artistic.
There exhibited famous pipe and leather chair called "Wassily chair," which was designed to sit on comfortably. Desks, beds, lamps and other interior.

Beautiful drawings, which should have been very innovative in those days.
The reason why I am so interested in it is I am writing a short novel using history of this art school.
The title is "Bauhausler." A Japanese woman who came to Berlin to study modern art at Bauhaus school experienced turmoil between this innovative art and growing Nazism.
22:31 Posted in Culture, Deutschland, Japan News | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: history