03 January 2014
Dinner at LA TOUR D'ARGENT reminds me of what's happening in this world
Year of 2014 started.
On one of new year's days I was invited to the dinner at Tokyo's most expensive French cuisine restaurant, LA TOUR D'ARGENT. It is located in The Hotel New Otani Tokyo, one of Japan's high class hotel chain.
The below photo is me in kimono at the waiting room of the restaurant. Only waiting room is as big as one ordinary restaurant. I was allowed to take a photo of me within waiting room area.
As you see the interior is georgeous. The dining room was georgeous as well. Mirror ceiling and chandeliers, candles. Tens of garsons in black uniform walking around to serve the same number of tables. That reminds me of the film "The Great Gatsby."
I had champagne, wine, and full course of very delicous meals. The speciality of the course was roast canard. Each guest was given a card of canard (duckling) he/she eats with its number.
A sommelier selected a wine that fits the course menu. He said one of most expensive wine the restaurant has is Romane Conti, which one bottle costs 2500000 yen, 25 thousands US $ or Euro. Of course it was not what our group could afford. So I chose half bottle of wine which costed around 19000 yen.
I really enjoyed that. But at the same time I had to feel guilty about it. The dinner cost a lot. That one dinner can equal a few people's monthly food expense. In the world half of the population are starving. This luxurious dinner should cost equivalentl to annual income of some portion of the people in this world.
Moreover, the bottle of Romane Conti costs construction of a school that hundreds of children can attend in third world nations.
Not just in third world but even in first world like Japan or America, such dinner is far exceeds the living standard of ordinary people. Last year I went to Okinawa. I visited the US Marine facilities. At the entrance of US Marine training camp, I saw the below sign that says "Hard training makes hard marine."
I saw the bus of trainees entering the gate. I heard those young people come from very poor family that could not afford college education for their children so they had no choice but to join the marine, what is called, Poverty Draft.
Meanwhile, very rich people like who can afford very expensive dinner like LA TOUR D'ARGENT exploits such young people to grow their wealth provoking wars all over the world. Kind of plutonomy. That is the social structure of today's world. I wrote a novel on this theme.
The bus transporting capitalism slaves to the military base reminds of one very historical place in Poland which I visited 6 years ago. The similar sign was posted at the gate of the facility.
ARBEIT MACHT FREI. (Labour makes you free.)
18:55 Posted in Culture, France, Politics, Society, Tokyo Life, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: military, poverty, class gap, economy, kimono, okinawa
01 March 2013
"Les Miserables" Life is in hell
I went to the cinema last night. It was a late show that starts 9 PM.
I was not particulary interested in the story of the film. I was only interested in music played in the film. One of the songs, I dream a dream, has caused a sensation recently by a British middle aged singer, Susan Boyle.
The story was about a man who escaped from probation and became a burgalar but later turned into an innocent man and tried to save others.
"Les Miserables" means "Poor people" in French. The story took place in an era of post-French revolution civil war in 19th century. People who are desperate, and in despair because of condition they were in.
I just could not get what messages the story delivers to the audience. The story goes on like a revue.
I just guess it tells life is not easy. You can't easily overcome. Even though you are desperate to change the world better, things cannot move as it should.
You should just be patient or keep dreaming. Dreams that never come true.
Does it mean we all live in hell and be as we are?
Yes, we are all "Les Miserables."
01 October 2009
French film "Coco Avant Chanel" Sad Story
The film featured early life of the founder of world's most famous fashion brand, Chanel.
The film started with her life as an orphan and later she became a singer in the bar. She found a patron, a rich peer man but she fell in love with a rich English businessman who later supported her avant-garde fashion business.
It seemed like Chanel was a whore rather than an independent lady who invented very liberated forms of women's clothes.
But she had no choice just like other women in those days. Women did not have rights to vote. Women did not have their own named bank accounts. They had to wear heavy clothes with so many accessaries, long skirts that bottoms should be on the ground.
The film was overall very boring but the message was kind of strong that her successful career came from her painful life experience.
I guess we had to know this side of her story to know life is not easy. The below photo is what I accidentally found on the street in Tokyo's shopping district. The lady in the photo secretly depicted Chanel's painful life experience before she got successful career.

16 March 2009
Protest MOX fuels transportation to Japan
From Cherbourg, France 2 ships that carries very, very hazardous nuclear fuels, so called MOX departed. The ships' destinations are several Japanese ports near nuclear power plants.
That is nothing but bothersome not only to Japan but also France and other nations in the world. From France to Japan the ships would sail on the Atlantic ocean and Pacific oceans. If the MOX fuels got some troubles such as radiation leak, coastal regions near the ships would be affected. The potential regions would include North America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. The transported MOX fuels contains 1.4 tons of plutonium that can possibly be converted to nuclear weapons.

If the terrorist attack the ships, what would happen? Is this what people of the world can be happy with?
That MOX fuels are not even welcome by Japanese. Only by people related to nuclear power plant businesses.
The MOX fuels are very inefficient. The current power plants in Japan are not well equipped for MOX fuels.
The use of MOX fuels are not even permitted by local authorities. After the fuels arrived, it would have to wait for years in order to be used in the plants. It may never be used!
People of the world, especially French, Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, and Japanese. Please protest this stupid and dangerous sailing. That is much worse than whaling ship and even nuclear powered aircraft carrier like CVN 73.
23:12 Posted in Ecology, France, Japan News, Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: nuclear power