16 March 2008
Impressed by Obama's respected pastor, Rev. Wright
It is been reported that Obama's long time inspirer, Pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright made very controversial remarks in his Gospel speech. Obama denounced his remarks and he never knew the pastor did it until recently.
I can't find anything so controversial in his sermons.
He, himself is Afro-American, so there is no problem that he uses the word "Niger." He said America is founded on racist culture. I think he talked about slavery and masscre of Native Americans.
The most impressive to me, was he said "We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye," he said. "We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and Black South Africans, and now we are indignant. Because the stuff we have done overseas has now brought right back into our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost."
This pastor is ex-marine. He knew what the war is like. He just criticized the U.S. foreign policy in his radical way, I think.
I don't think he meant to insult America.
For Japanese like us, Americans criticizing Hiroshima and Nagasaki were kind of impressive. Obama was spritually influenced by this pastor. Well, that sounds nice to us. Very humble attitude of Americans. He knows how the oppressed feel. That is why he is becoming popular among the impoverished layer of society including whites.
But I want to tell this pastor he should condemn not only the U.S. for dropping atomic bombs but also Japan who slaughtered many innocent Chinese and attacked on Pearl Harbor in the name of "justice." That is what I expressed in this post on this blog.
I understand why Mr. Obama had to denounce the pastor because today's America is no longer open-minded to radical leftist speech. This is sad thing to know. Isn't America free country any more? You can't criticize your government's policies because such acts are considered unpatriotical.
That is just like Nazi-Germany. I would be proud of a citizen of a country if the country is democratic and tolerates free speech including the things critical of itself.
Sometimes, by becoming anti of your nation, you will know better of your country and drive your country into right direction.
"God Damn America!" can change your country better after being tired of saying "God bless America."
13:55 Posted in Politics, US-Japan relationship | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: Afro-American, war, religion, racism, election
07 March 2008
Dear Sea Shepherds and animal loving Americans!
Sea Shepherds came back again and attacked Japanese whaling fleets in Antartic Sea. This time Japanese marine patrol personnel shot at them.
I sent Sea Shepherds the following message by email. This is not only for marine hypocrit group but for animal loving Americans.
Did you know grazing cattles is deforesting Amazon forest?
Stop eating hambergers! Eat fish and whales and dophins. They don' t need glazed fields.
Be more smart and scientific rather than being hypocratic!
P.S. If you are really animal rights activisits, stop Rodeo shows, it is hurting cute cows. Don' t say it is your culture! Some culture is not worth going on.
Dear Paikea,
Taking half an hour or 1 minute to kill doesn't make any difference. After all, we are all barbaric in order to survive. Even if you are vegetarian, even plants are living creatures and have emotions, and we are taking lives away from them. But they just stay still. What is arrogant is determine which creature is worth living based on cuteness, or how familiar they are to you.
I don't care how we kill and eat animals because they are just resources to us. All we have to do is keep them sustainable. I don't criticize rodeo in Texas, chicken fighting in Southeast Asia or bullfighting in Spain. It is their cultures and their animals.
Well, Asians should taste better than Caucasions because we are more like herbivorous mammals.
22:40 Posted in Australia, Ecology, Japan News, Politics | Permalink | Comments (3) | Tags: whaling, Okinawa
17 February 2008
Mockdocumentary: "Death of a President"
President Bush was assacinated in Chicago. Who killed him?
Of course, this is the fiction. Janre of mockdocumentary, but it looked very real.
After the assacination, the U.S. government used this fear to justify amendment of Patriot Act, tightening the freedom of citizens. Muslim man was arrested but there was not enough supporting evidence to convict him but he was convicted by the jurors.
Why? This is the same old fashioned rhetoric. Once awful thing happened, no one can have objective view.
It was well-made documentary although it was a fiction.
But I wasn't very impressed. I am kind of tired of such anti-Bush propaganda films such as Micheal Moore's "Fahrenheit 911."
Yes, Bush was wrong. He did the wrong things. So did other politicians in the world. It is just easy to criticize the politicians but what are behind the actions they make? Think about it.
Even Gore was elected as President of the U.S., he might have dispatched troops to Iraq. Accusing just one politician for all the wrong things in the world doesn't actually change the world better.
22:45 Posted in Film, Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: Bush, War, Terror, Documentary
13 February 2008
Dear Australians: Apology to the Aboriginal people
The Austraian government made an official apology to the Aboriginal people. The Prime Minister said "sorry" to the Stolen generation who were taken away from their families to concentration camps to be assimilated to white values.
I've seen the movie "Rabbit Proof Fence." Three Aboriginal girls forced to live in the camp apart from their parents escaped from the camp to go back their home by tracking down the rabbit proof fence. That was based on a true story. What a terrible thing whites did to them. This Aborigines' sad history was mentioned in the You Tube Video about whaling issue. Some scenes of the video showed Aborinial people and subtitles "Australians treated Aborigines inhumanely." The video was viewed by the Australia's foreign minister. It is now removed. But it was very interesting. The theme was Australians' anti-whaling is racist sentiment against Japanese.
Now we feel like Aborigines who were taken away their identity and culture. What is wrong with hunting whales and eating the meat? You are not only protesting whaling because of the extinction issue. You think whales are special animal that even there were plenty of it in the ocean, anyone should not hunt even one of them.
Your government showed the photos of captured whales being transported to the fleet from the ocean by the anchor. Cruel? Haven't you ever seen the photos of the meat factories? See this video.
Are you extracting meat from cows, pigs and kangaroos without killing them? Are you living in the Disney fantazy? Learn the history of your people, there were Australian whaler ships in the past.
I shall stop eating Australian beef because cows are cute and intelligent. That is how you think.
I do not think your country is civilized nation. You might poison the beef like what Chinese did to us.
It is just fair to decide not to eat the meat imported from the people who criticize what we eat.
The photo of whalemeat sashimi served in a restaurant in Tokyo.