09 August 2009
Here comes White Crusaders again!
American dolphin trainer named Ric O'Barry is taking on Japan's traditional culture.
He loves dolphins so he doesn't like Japanese dolphin hunting in Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture.
He came to the town and shoot the scenes of hunting and made documentary film.
Here comes again after whaling in Antarctica. This time within Japan's territory. It seems he and his friends think Japan is part of US territory.
I don't eat dolphin meat. But the localies hunt and eat them for centuries. That is their culture and tradition. Japanese government provides the license to them. It doesn't matter whether their hunting method is cruel or not. We, human eat animal meat in order to survive. You can see as graphic scenes as that in beef processing factories.
Well, I believe such protestants are small portion of all. When I was in the U.S., Americans I met said they don't care about cultural thing. Unless the species is endangered, they don't care who eats what. I think that is the ordinary people's response.
I was against Japan's whaling in Antarctica because it is not worth it. There is not high demand any more and it hurts Australia's tourist business. I never agree with Aussie's idea that whales are cute and intelligent mammals so we shouldn't kill. It can mean you can kill less intelligent animals? Sounds racist.
Is it white Christian ideology that once you believe one thing is good, force others to follow?
Interesting thing is in 19th century westerners came to Japan and Southern Pacific islands and criticized local gay culture as "uncivilized" from their standard. Then the gay culture declined.
Now what are westerners doing about gay issues now?
If Mr. O'Barry really cares about Japan's cute mammals lives being threatened, he should go to Nago city, Okinawa. There are many mammals that are threatened by construction of US Marine base. He doesn't even have to visit Japan, he can go to Washington first. Actually WWF sued US Defense department for that matter. He should forget the dolphins but saves dugongs. Or he wouldn't because dugongs don't do the tricks he teaches?
WWF-Japan leader calls for dugong research by halting USMC training exercises
Dear Dave: I don't buy US goods, either lately. Whaling in Antarctica or dolphin hunting in Taiji are not illegal. Internationally and domestically. Americans are exporting beef with mad cow disease to the world. They let cows eat bones of dead cows, that cause mad cow disease.
I haven't seen the movie. I want to see the movie anyway. Documentary can be biased.
22:04 Posted in Culture, Ecology, Film, Politics, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (1) | Tags: racism, documentary, flipper, whaling
16 March 2009
Protest MOX fuels transportation to Japan
From Cherbourg, France 2 ships that carries very, very hazardous nuclear fuels, so called MOX departed. The ships' destinations are several Japanese ports near nuclear power plants.
That is nothing but bothersome not only to Japan but also France and other nations in the world. From France to Japan the ships would sail on the Atlantic ocean and Pacific oceans. If the MOX fuels got some troubles such as radiation leak, coastal regions near the ships would be affected. The potential regions would include North America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. The transported MOX fuels contains 1.4 tons of plutonium that can possibly be converted to nuclear weapons.

If the terrorist attack the ships, what would happen? Is this what people of the world can be happy with?
That MOX fuels are not even welcome by Japanese. Only by people related to nuclear power plant businesses.
The MOX fuels are very inefficient. The current power plants in Japan are not well equipped for MOX fuels.
The use of MOX fuels are not even permitted by local authorities. After the fuels arrived, it would have to wait for years in order to be used in the plants. It may never be used!
People of the world, especially French, Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, and Japanese. Please protest this stupid and dangerous sailing. That is much worse than whaling ship and even nuclear powered aircraft carrier like CVN 73.
23:12 Posted in Ecology, France, Japan News, Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: nuclear power
16 October 2008
Senator McCain said,
"Look, we've sailed Navy ships around the world for 60 years with nuclear power plants on them. We can store and reprocess spent nuclear fuel, Senator Obama, no problem." concerning energey crisis on last presidential debate.
Yes, he is right. There are 10 nuclear aircraft carriers that belong to the U.S. Navy. One of them is CVN 73, George Washington, which was deployed in Yokosuka city, 20 miles from Japan's capital Tokyo. We don't like it. The ship should go back to its homeland, not the country whose people don't like it much. I hate it. It is dangerous and making me nervous. If it breaks, estimated 1.6 million people would die by leaked radiation.
It should be used for the generation of cities, rather than military purpose. The nuclear powered ship on the sea is very, very dangerous. It costs much more than conventional ship. The reactors should be transformed to fit the plants on the ground.
Although I do not support nuclear power as substitute for oil, it is much better to be used for generation for inland cities .
McCain said "reprocess spent nuclear fuel." That is not practical any more. A lot of countries failed. It costs so much money and pollute the land around the reprocessing factories. However, unspent nuclear fuel inside the ships should be used by stopping the navigation and dismantling the ships. It is time to do that. Use the energey for the daily life not for the military. Let the troops back on the shores.
The U.S. is now in historical financial crisis, they have to reduce military spending dramatically. They cannot afford stationing their troops abroad. Foreign nations including my country are not generous lending their lands for the U.S. military any more.
Whether Obama or McCain becomes president of the U.S., what they have to do is rethink their military policy which has been failing.
No more nuclear ships! Let's make the world safe by abondaning such dangerous ships!

20:25 Posted in Ecology, Politics, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: navy, military, nuclear aircraft carrier, nuclear power, election
25 April 2008
I don't eat poisonous American beef!
Actually, I do not eat beef at all, not even Australian beef.
But American beef is MUST NOT. It is poisoned by mad cow disease.On 23 of April Japanese famous beef rice bowl restaurant franchise, Yoshinoya discovered beef with back-bone imported from Californian beef factory. The backbones are classified as dangerous part that can contain mad cow disease.
American beef import has been restricted since mad cow disease case was reported in the U.S.
Even after the restriction was loosen, a lot of beef with backbones which might contain poisonous disease that can affect human brains were found in the custom checks. Every time that case was reported, the beef import was banned.
The U.S. government insensitively pressured Japanese government to import their poisonous beef whatsoever. Then Japanese government gave in. But the thing is Japanese customers are walking away. Restaurants in Japan advertise that they are not using dangerous American beef. Some supermarkets have stopped selling American beef.
Instead, Australian beef are getting popular because of safety. Australian farmers are not using meat and bone meal to raise their cows. They are using natural grass. Good! The restaurant I often go and eat advertise they use only safe Australian beef. Now they are doing Angus beef steak campaign.
Well, even America tries to threaten Japanese government, people are not that stupid. Not only beef but trust in other American goods is declining.
Remember, we can do boycott campaign of other American goods if we want as long as the U.S. government is insulting us. Just like Chinese are doing to French for Tibet issue. Actually I am doing that to protest America's "Third Atomic Bomb" to our land.
This is the campaign statement.
Stupid America! How ignorant they are! They are not our friends any more.
By the way, I am actually not eating beef at all as previously mentioned. I am becoming vegetarian recently. Not because of religions or love for animals. It is due to health and ecology. Vegetables work fine in my stomach.
Cattle grazing is very harmful to the environment. Amazon forests are disappearing because of grazing. Deforestration and methane breath from cows are causing global warming.
There are estimated 1.5 billions cows on the earth. If the crops for feeding the cows are switched to feed humans, the world starvation problem would be resolved. We are wasting so much food and starving many people in other parts of the world just for the luxury of the good tasting.
It is time we change our lifestyle to save our planet. American lifestyle is most harmful to our planet. Just cut it off!
Answer to Pritcht,
China is not part of Japan, nor Japan is not part of China. Both are separate independent nations. Do more research on the world geographies.
22:15 Posted in Australia, Ecology, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (2) | Tags: global warming