17 October 2010
China and Japan
The relationship between the two nations got worsened.
Both sides are afraid of the other's imperialism. China experienced invasion of Japanese army 65 years ago.
Japan learnt how Tibet has been treated by China in postwar era, which was typically described in the film, "Seven Years in Tibet."
What a mess!
One thing for sure is that we, Japanese should rethink how to deal with Chinese. It seems China cannot be good friend and market for Japan any more.
That does not mean we should rely on the U.S. again because they are more dependent on China than Japan is.
Maybe the most potential one may be South-Eastern nations. We also have to boost domestic demand.
12:17 Posted in China, Japan News, Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: china, history
24 September 2010
Release of Chinese fishing ship captain proves US deterrence never worked
Chinese captain of fishing boat was released by Okinawa District Attorney office two weeks after being arrested by Japan's coast guard and then taken into custody.
This seemed to be done in order to ease tension between Japan and China caused by the arrest.
I do not want to make any comment on that because I do not know the detail of what really happened.
But I have to admit China threatened Japan and Japan gave in. China is very important country for Japan, especially economically.
The tension grew when Chinese prime minister visited UN in New York along with Japanese prime minister and foreign minister.
The dialogue between two leaders was cancelled. China halted export of rare earth to Japan. That indeed pressured Japan to release the captain.
China is mean but U.S. is more mean. Although U.S. claim the Senkaku islands whose coastal sea was trespassed by the ship is what US-Japan security treaty's applicable area, the U.S. claims to take neutral stance for this dispute.
This dispute proved the U.S. military presence in Japan never worked as deterrence.
In fact, China provoked more retaliative action towards Japan even after the U.S. and Japanese leaders discussed and confirmed strengthening of the alliance.
Why the U.S. cannot deter China, it is obviously because the U.S. is heavily dependent on China economically as well.
China owns largest share of the U.S. treasury bonds and buys and even manufactures U.S. goods. IPADs are made in China.
The U.S. recently demands appreciation of Chinese currency value to balance the trade between the two nations but that is very hard negotiation.
The U.S. surely want to avoid trouble to mess such hard negotiation. Why they want to carry another burden for other country such as Japan, which they think declining in this century.
We cannot rely on the U.S. for the security matter any more. The Cold War is over. The U.S. and Japan no longer have common enemy.
23:04 Posted in China, Japan News, Politics, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: military
17 August 2010
Why they protest US military base
Anti-US military base activist, Mr. Ashitomi spoke to young students from Palestinean, and Israel with interpreter.
He talked about why he set up the tent to monitor nearby US marine base, Camp Schwab.
Japanese government recently agreed with the US marine on expansion of the current marine base for the relocation of the Futenma base in Okinawa.
Part 1 is environmetal issue related to the construction of new base. Part 2 is peace issue.
Anti-US base activist talks 反米軍基地活動家の話し Part 1
Anti-US base activist talks 反米軍基地活動家の話し Part 2
You can learn more detail in this blog's tag, Okinawa, which you can access by clicking the below.
18:20 Posted in Ecology, Japan News, Politics, Society, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: military, okinawa
10 August 2010
Very Constitutional
Found and captured great scene in Henoko beach, where US marines are destroying the natural environment to harm local people.
This represents current situation of US-Japan relationship.
12:23 Posted in Japan News, Politics, US-Japan relationship, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: military, okinawa