20 August 2009
I fell in love with this guy!
See this videoclip! He is Japan's new hero. Sorry, only Japanese version.
His speech in Hiroshima. Scenes of anti-nuke group activities, and Uigurs who protest nuclear tests done by China (time code: 3:42) in the city come first.
And the people who protest and support his speech (time code: 6:34) and then scenes in the convention hall which his speech took place.
He was Japan's Airforce chief but was dismissed because of his provocative essay he released in public.
I've already introduced him in other article on this blog. Please read this.
He is passionately patriot. But his statements were too provocative.
But he and I have things in common. Both of us want to get rid of U.S. military bases from Japan to protect our sovereignty and tradition.
He even claims Japan should arm with nuclear weapons.
I've met him twice and shook hand with him. I could take a picture of him. The below is what I took at Kudankaikan hall in Tokyo, where his speech was held.
He was very polite and gentle. His speech was filled with passion.
Second time was the meeting for journalists. He has made a similar speech. I was given a opportunity to ask a question. I denounced his statement about denial of Nanking Massacre because I've met some survivors of the atrocities. But I said to him, I am for Article 9 amendment so that Japan can possess legitimate military but it was illegal to cause civilian casualties even at the time Nanking Massacre occurred. Why not we swear not to repeat the same mistake like Germany did?
His response was kind of surprise. "I've met a military official in China. They spoke so ill of what our military had done over there. I wanted to tell him, why not they spoke the same things about Britain? We are better than what Britons did. The Convention treaty was signed between the two countries. It was done. Why can't we forget about it?"
He seemed to admit the fact that the atrocity occurred. He was kind of honest and clever, I think. He just try to use this history issue to change his country's military policy. Interesting guy!
Thanks to him, I rethink about what patriotism is and what our tradition is. I became patriot and traditional.
Recently I started to wear Japanese traditional clothes including swim suit of the below. The suit became unpopular since the U.S. occupied Japan because Americans thought such Japanese tradition was barbaric. Now I am trying to recover this tradition. I am proud of wearing it and showing myself in it in public. This suit makes any man sexy and real Japanese traditional man, so called Nihon Danji. It is not only used for swimming but participating in festivals. The below is how I wear it, please enjoy watching.
22:23 Posted in Deutschland, Politics, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: history, military, racism
03 May 2009
Film "The Scarlet Letter" A Country of Hypocrisy
A woman named Hester lived in a small Puritan Village in 17th century had been accused of adultfully. She had to wear scarlet letter "A" all the time because of the sin she committed. She and her daughter, Pearl were always harrassed by the villagers.
Local villagers and its headman wanted to know who was the father of Pearl. At last the villagers found who he was and got shocked.
It seemed that the film revealed the true nature of America. The origin of America was Puritans. Puritans were exiles from England.
They lived under the faith of God because of fear they experienced in England. They created a very closed society with very strict rules. As a result they became hypocrits.
In last scene of the film, Hester and Pearl ran away from the land of hypocrisy, not freedom.
That represents feeling I have right now. I am losing interest in America and growing contempt for it.
American is not a dream country to me any more since 911, war in Iraq, deployment of USS George Washington in Yokosuka, and financial crisis.
Good-bye, America! A country of Hypocrisy!
Now I wonder where I am heading. The film gave me a hint.
The film was produced by Germans. It was all German version although the story took place in America.
It is just like holocaust films in English version made by Hollywood.
I am now studying German and getting more interested in Germany than ever.
12:46 Posted in Deutschland, Film, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: religion
29 March 2009
Enjoyed Bauhaus Arts
I went to the exhibition of Bauhaus art in Utsunomiya Museum of Art in Utsunomiya city, 1 and half hour train ride from Tokyo.

That was very amazing exhibition. I've learned so much about Bauhaus stuff buying books on Bauhaus history, arts, and architecture.
Bauhaus was established in 1919 in Weimar, Germany and was later relocated to Dessau and finally relocated in Berlin.
But in 1933, after Nazis took over authorities of the government, Bauhaus ended just as Weimar Republic did.
It was a symbol of modernism. The cocept was unification of art and technology. Respecting functionalism but being artistic.
There exhibited famous pipe and leather chair called "Wassily chair," which was designed to sit on comfortably. Desks, beds, lamps and other interior.

Beautiful drawings, which should have been very innovative in those days.
The reason why I am so interested in it is I am writing a short novel using history of this art school.
The title is "Bauhausler." A Japanese woman who came to Berlin to study modern art at Bauhaus school experienced turmoil between this innovative art and growing Nazism.
22:31 Posted in Culture, Deutschland, Japan News | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: history
26 March 2009
Film: Walküre (Valkyrie)
I went to see Tom Cruise's movie "Valkyrie." The film of actual event which took place in Germany during World War II.
German military officer, Colonel Stauffenberg tried to assassin German dictator, Adolf Hitler to remove Nazi Party from power and bring peace in Europe. The consequence was he failed and was executed.
I've seen German film of the story before. Then I went to Berlin and saw the memorial of his execution.
00:14 Posted in Deutschland, Film | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: history, nazis