24 December 2009
Novel "Kokoro" by Natsume Soseki
The story was written by Japan's infamous novelist, Natsume Soseki. The novel was released in early 20th century. The novel starts with the sentence "I always called him "Sensei (Sir)." It is a memoir of a man who met a cool older guy on the beach. When the two guys first met, they both wore swim suits like this.

14:49 Posted in Books, Culture | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: gay, literature
01 October 2009
French film "Coco Avant Chanel" Sad Story
The film featured early life of the founder of world's most famous fashion brand, Chanel.
The film started with her life as an orphan and later she became a singer in the bar. She found a patron, a rich peer man but she fell in love with a rich English businessman who later supported her avant-garde fashion business.
It seemed like Chanel was a whore rather than an independent lady who invented very liberated forms of women's clothes.
But she had no choice just like other women in those days. Women did not have rights to vote. Women did not have their own named bank accounts. They had to wear heavy clothes with so many accessaries, long skirts that bottoms should be on the ground.
The film was overall very boring but the message was kind of strong that her successful career came from her painful life experience.
I guess we had to know this side of her story to know life is not easy. The below photo is what I accidentally found on the street in Tokyo's shopping district. The lady in the photo secretly depicted Chanel's painful life experience before she got successful career.

14 September 2009
Comic Version of "Mein Kampf"
Recently controversial Manga (Comic) book was published in Japan. The comic was digest version of what is written on original thick book, "Mein Kampf (My Struggle)."
Left one is comic and right one is Japanese complete translated version.
As you know it was written by Adolf Hitler, dictator of Nazi-Germany, the book described his biography from when he was childhood until imprisonment after Munich rebel in 1923. It contains so much of Anti-semitism.
The pictures of the book reminds me of CBS Minis-Series "Hitler, The Rise of Evil." Surely the book and the drama should somewhat overlap because both are at least partially based on the same book.
In Germany publication of the book is banned. Actually the book wasn't very popular one at the time it was published.
This comic version is one of the series of classic literature including "Crime and Punishment," and "Faust."
I am recently very interested in Hitler and Nazi-Germany. How he got on the top and why such atrocities happened.
Recently Japan experienced similar phenomenon, an Air Force Chief was fired because of his provocative essay released in public which contradicts Japan's position of war responsibility and justified what Japan did to neighboring nations such as occupation and colonization.
His statement to the government's treatment was really similar "Strangely I was fired because I've made good statements for the nation."
After he left defense ministry, he became an icon among right-wing people. He published several books and made speeches all over the nation. I am sure he will run candidancy for next coming election. Strangely I, not so conservative person have been very much attracted to him since his public appearance. I bought one of his books. I went to his speeches and shook hands with him. Please read this if you want to know more about my passion for him. That is why I am feared. He has charisma and intelligence to lead people.
So that is why I am studying things about Hitler and Nazi-Germany.
I am now writing a novel which the story takes place in 1930's Germany on this blog. The theme of the novel is Nazism versus liberalism such as Bauhaus art. Please read "Bauhausler" if you are intereted.
22:40 Posted in Books, Culture, Deutschland, Japan News, Politics | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: history, nazis, racism
12 August 2009
Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" is sexist, racist, and totalitarian!
Walt Disney has been known as Hollywood's most racist and sexist person in history. His movies reflect his views.
"Sleeping Beauty" was one of the good examples. It reflects public opinion at that time. The film was released in 1959.
The princess named Aurora was cursed by a witch. The curse was that she would die at the age of 16. One of kind fairlies tried to get rid of the curse. But what she could do was to make it rather gentler one, which was fall into deep sleep until she be kissed by a man she loved.
3 things matter in the story.
1. A woman should be waiting for a man whom she has to depend on.
Girls are made to believe that. They are not expected to be independent. They are brainwashed to believe that they cannot live without reliable men's supports. How pity!
2. Bad guys are all Black.
Black witch took on the princess and prince. Her subordinates are crows. In the old days, crows are discriminately term for Afro-Americans. Disney would be surprised to know President Obama.
3. Your private life would be sacrificed for the statehood.
Like marriage between Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip who was her neighboring country's prince. Although they met in a forest accidently without knowing who they really were, they fell in love as though they had already met "Once upon a dream." That implies that people should think it is honorable to sacrifice your life to serve your country. Think that is your destiny.
Wow, interesting analysis! I don't like Disney film because they always contain such brainwashing methodology.
Disney films are great teaching materials for media literacy. DON'T BE BRAINWASHED, GOOD AND SMART PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!!
Remember Disneys and Nazis are lookalike. I want Tokyo Disneyland removed from our land as well as US military bases.
22:56 Posted in Culture, Film, Media, Politics, USA issues | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: racism, feminism, afro-american